Wednesday, January 12th

New security details have been handed out since the merger with the other television station.

Our current forces:

1st Platoon - "The Suck":
HQ - 3 squads
MCU - 1 squad
Newspaper - 2 squads

2nd Platoon - "The Badlands":
Magazine - 2 squads
Radio - 2 squads

3rd Platoon - "Wretched Swine":
Television 1 - 3 squads

4th Platoon - "Soul Seekers":
Television 2 - 3 squads

My chain of command has changed a little bit as well:

FTL Cooper -> SL Clements -> PS Pyle -> SoS Davis -> Director of Security

Our numbers are finally back to normal. It feels nice to belong to a platoon again because it means that we have platoon worthy number.

I spoke with Geoff on the way home. He said that he and Amy are still at the radio station together. He was on the way to meet Amy and her son for dinner. Ramirez is still at tTV1 and the acting squad leader since Pyle was promoted. I haven’t heard from Park or Cost, but I know that they are around somewhere. Marie is at TV1 keeping everyone healthy.

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